Admit yourself into a wome's rehab center to experience the benefits of women's substance abuse treatment

If you’re a woman dealing with a substance abuse problem, then you know the challenges of dealing with addiction. Each gender has his or her own struggles and difficulties when it comes to handling substance addiction. Whether it’s detox or relapsing, there are many issues along the journey to sobriety. Since each gender handles things differently,  gender-specific women’s substance abuse treatment is ideal for women’s addiction recovery. It makes sense to focus on your healing with those who are the same gender as you and gain the benefits of women’s substance abuse treatment. A women’s rehab center in California provides the gender-specific comprehensive drug addiction treatment for lasting drug addiction recovery.

Gender-Specific Treatment

It’s a known fact that the genders deal with addiction differently. The statistics tell us that there are differences between how men and women become addicted and deal with substance abuse. Men tend to face more overdose problems, while women struggle more with relapsing. In addition, women go from trying a drug to become addicted to it very quickly, which is a worrisome problem. Because there are such differences in the problems they face, it makes sense that there would be benefits of gender-specific treatment.

Women’s treatment may need to focus more on relapse issues and becoming addicted to new substances, while men may need to focus on overdose issues. Either way, therapists and doctors who study substance abuse issues, have developed gender-specific treatments and programs to target these exact areas.

Benefits of Women’s Substance Abuse Treatment

The benefits of women’s substance abuse treatment is important to consider if you are a woman. It’s critical to get the best care possible when seeking out therapy and treatments. Some benefits of women’s substance abuse treatment program include:

  • Allows the women a safe place to open up without fear or embarrassment
  • Focuses on their specific needs
  • Is developed with women’s problems in mind
  • Helps women to form friendships with other women who are in a similar situation
  • Fosters a sense of safety (especially for women who’ve been in domestic abuse situations)

Women’s Treatment Programs

Admission into a women’s addiction treatment center is the first step towards lasting alcohol addiction recovery. Upon your admission into a women’s rehab program, the addiction treatment staff will conduct a mental health assessment to determine the unique co-occurring mental health disorders contributing to your drug addiction. You will learn about the addictive behaviors that led to your addiction and develop valuable coping skills to resist the urge to abuse drugs in times of trauma. A women’s rehab center provides a range of addiction treatment programs and therapy services to give women the necessary support to overcome drug addiction. Women’s addiction treatment services include:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy
  • Dialectical behavioral therapy
  • Mindfulness-meditation therapy
  • Group therapy
  • Family therapy
  • Holistic therapy program

An experienced therapist will guide you through healing and recovery during these therapy sessions as they guide you to a better future free from substance use.

Discover a New Pathway

Start walking the new pathway in life when you participate in a women’s substance abuse therapy program. You will grow from the unique gender specific treatment you receive as you see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Therapists provide evidence-based therapies that bring results. In time, you will look back and realize that you have left the old life behind and are entering a new phase in life. In addition, your strength and resiliency are growing, which provide greater hope for a future filled with peace and happiness. You can now see that your healing is within reach.

Start today by talking to an addiction specialist who will explain the different treatment programs, some of which include:

Don’t let substance abuse steal your peace. Now that you know the benefits of women’s substance abuse treatment, find hope for the future and overcome substance addiction. Reach out to a women’s substance abuse treatment program today.

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