treat underlying mental health conditions and substance abuse at a womes substance abuse therapy program

Substance abuse is a growing problem in the United States. In fact, the surgeon general says approximately one in seven people struggle with drug addiction. As the problem continues to rise in the country, both men and women try to find ways to deal with the crisis. Each gender has his or her own way of dealing with the problem. Women are particularly prone to relapsing and becoming addicted faster than men. Therefore, they benefit from a Women’s substance abuse therapy program that helps with relapse and recovery. A women’s substance abuse therapy program in Memphis, TN helps women overcome the underlying mental health conditions contributing to drug addiction.

The Problem With Relapsing

Relapsing is a common problem but one that brings a feeling of disappointment and hopelessness to the person experiencing it. When you quit doing a substance, that doesn’t mean that all the temptations and cravings simply vanish. You will still deal with these, and you need to have a plan to overcome. At a women’s substance abuse therapy program, you gain the strength and skills to fight the cravings and temptations. You come to learn how to get past them successfully.

Through therapy, you will understand what leads to relapse. Some common causes are:

  • Emotional problems that arise in your life
  • Past trauma that comes back to mind
  • Influence of others
  • Triggers from certain places, people, or situations

There may be other things that cause a relapse. These are a few of the common ones.

Women’s Substance Abuse Therapy Program

How does a women’s substance abuse therapy program help women stay on the pathway to sobriety? They do so through therapy and detox treatments.  A women’s addiction therapy program in Memphis, TN, directly addresses the co-occurring mental health disorders contributing to women’s drug addiction. Women will learn about the addictive behaviors that led to negative drug addiction and develop positive coping skills to overcome the urge to abuse drugs when face with trauma.

All the programs and treatments at a women’s substance abuse therapy program are evidence-based. During your time participating in these treatments, you will learn the different reasons why people turn to drugs, and you’ll discover strategies to quit. When you overcome the root cause of drug addiction, then you will be more successful in finding your way out for good. 

Women’s therapy for addiction in Memphis, TN treatments include:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy
  • Dialectical behavioral therapy
  • Mindfulness-meditation therapy
  • Group therapy
  • Family therapy
  • Recreational-based therapy

Experienced therapists will guide you through the process of healing and recovery during these therapy sessions. They will help you find the treatments that work best for you.

Discover Peace In Healing

Have a more peaceful life by participating in a women’s substance abuse therapy program. As you start down the pathway to sobriety, you can sense the peace in healing, and you’ll know you’re on the pathway to light.

Therapists use evidence-based therapies to bring you the results you crave. They will guide you through to a new phase in your life, which is one of joyfulness. In addition, you will start to notice that you are gaining strength to resist cravings and temptations that you didn’t have before as you continue in therapy sessions. Your whole life will look brighter with promise!

Start today by talking to an addiction specialist who will explain the different treatment programs, some of which include:

  • Medical detox treatment program
  • Residential treatment program
  • Partial hospitalization treatment program
  • Intensive outpatient treatment program

Don’t let substance abuse steal your peace. Find hope for the future and overcome substance addiction by going to a women’s substance abuse treatment program. Reach out for help today.

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